
Dear Year 10 Students

Choosing your course of study for next year or even planning for the next couple of years is both exciting and challenging. In the early stages of high school there was a broad curriculum where every student was encouraged to learn as many subject areas as possible. Now at the senior end of the school you are invited to specialise and to pursue the subjects that interest you most.

I encourage you to explore your talents and map out for yourself your own educational pathway. These days, you are provided with many options. You can choose a purely academic program leading to university, or you can choose to develop life skills by completing a more vocational pathway, or you can develop a program that has a mixture of both.

Wise choices are made when you take a number of proactive steps:

Take time to

    • reflect on your own strengths and the work you like to do. At the senior level of study it is important that you spend time enjoying your study because you perform best when you gain personal satisfaction from your study program.

Take time to

    • talk with your parents because they know you best. Involve them in your planning and ask them for their advice. They might suggest something to you that you hadn’t thought of before.

Take time to

    • talk with your teachers as they have expertise in their field and know you as a student. They might provide you with some of their perceptions about yourself and make suggestions about what subjects might best suit your personality and your abilities.

Take time to

    • talk with others in the field that you are interested in pursuing. Ask them how they came to have an interest in that line of work? How did they get to where they are? Who motivated them and who mentored them? You might find that many different pathways have been taken to get them where they are now.

Above all, Take time to

    • do the research and to reflect on your own strengths.

This Information Booklet is one of the starting points for your decision-making. We hope that this helps you to make realistic and positive choices about the next stage in your learning.

Legislative changes now require students to remain at school until they turn 17. Staying at school beyond Year 10 into Years 11 and 12 is now expected of the great majority of students in Australia unless they are either in full time work or are employed in an Apprenticeship or Traineeship.

The development of the Record of School Achievement (RoSA) has helped to shape how we now see Year 10 as the beginning of a new phase of senior schooling. What happens in Years 10, 11 and 12 all contribute to a much fuller recognition of students’ achievement.

As you enter Year 11, remember that you are making a commitment to your studies as a senior student and you are also making a commitment to the expectations of the College. These commitments include; participating in all College activities, especially the liturgies, the community days and the retreats, and following the College’s guidelines regarding attendance and uniform.

You will find as you become more mature, bonds of mutual respect grow between you and your teachers and that you will have greater participation in school affairs and more opportunity to develop individual talents. You are role models for junior students and as such, we have high expectations of you. The rewards are there if you make your contribution.

We look forward to working with you as you embark on this next stage of your life.

Mr Alan Le Brocque