
Parent Information Nights – Curriculum

The Parent Information Nights are for parents and students at transition points in the curriculum:

  • Year 6 parents (March)
  • Year 8 parents and students (August)
  • Year 10 parents and students (July)

Dates of these meetings are on the College calendar which you receive by mail in February or can be viewed on this website.

Reports and Student/Parent/Teacher Conferences

The College recognises the importance of effective communication between parents and teachers. You are welcome to discuss your child’s progress at any time during the year. Formal opportunities to discuss progress take place at the end of the first term with interim reports for Years 7-11 and second and fourth terms for all years, when student/parent/teacher conferences are scheduled. These conferences allow you and your child to focus on progress and achievements and set learning goals for the future. Interviews are short, but you can arrange a follow-up appointment if needed.

Written reports are issued at the end of Terms 2 and 4.

The College Diary

Students receive a diary each year and are required to regularly use the College diary and bring it to every lesson. It is for managing learning, recording timetables, dates for assignments, tests/exams, tasks to be done, revision and set home learning. The diary is not for recording personal messages or social activities. It should be kept free of graffiti and in a clean and tidy state. The diary may be used for communication between parents and teachers. Parents are encouraged to monitor and sign it each week.