The Library is open from 8.30am-3.30pm, including lunchtimes, each day and is available for students to do their study and quiet reading.
The Library stores and circulates all textbooks, fiction and non-fiction to students and teachers.
All resources taken from the library are the responsibility of the borrower, therefore need to replace any resources that are lost or damaged.
Our College Library is a dynamic space that supports the learning across all KLAs, in hard copy and digital resources. Our collections are continuously updated and added to. Help in research is available if requested.
Staff and students can access Clickview, which has digital video resources, through their computer portals.
The Accelerated Reader program assists in increasing reading, literacy and comprehension in Year 7 students, and they are encouraged to borrow outside of scheduled lessons.
Printing, photocopying and scanning are available to the students.
Events, such as Book Week in August, are celebrated. Look for these in the Newsletter and on the Library Google Classroom.
Distance Education is coordinated by the Library staff and includes facilities for phone and Video Conferencing lessons.
Careers Office is located in the Library and the Careers Advisor is available for appointments.