
Religious Education (RE) is an additional and compulsory KLA for all students in Catholic schools. Students in Years 7-12 are invited into a deeper and more personal relationship with God through their exploration of the sacred Scriptures, their participation in personal and communal prayer, and their living out of Catholic social and moral teaching through works of ministry.

The secondary RE curriculum provides opportunities for young people to act in response to Jesus’ great commandment to love God and love others and thus, follow ‘the way, the truth and the life’.

At Marian Catholic College, our aim is to educate our students in the faith, teachings, history and traditions of the Catholic Church. Religious Education is an integral part of Marian Catholic College and gives the school a richness of meaning and purpose.  Marian Catholic College provides its students with an ongoing education in Christian faith, practice, witness and service in the Catholic tradition.

Students in Stages 4 and 5 (Years 7-10) pursue Catholic Studies, based on the Sharing our Story programme.  Senior students in Stage 6 (Year 11 & 12) are able to pursue Studies of Religion, a 2 unit HSC course, or Sharing our Story.

All students at Marian Catholic College study Religious Education. Students have many activities in which they can participate such as:

  • Retreats for Year 11 & 12
  • Bonding days for Years 7 to 10
  • College masses and liturgies lead by the students
  • Leadership training programs
  • Charity fundraising
  • Visiting speakers on social justice issues.